
The old couple visiting family found the house be taken back light officials say they do not know the fact

"The key is in him, door lock well, the house but not......." 20 day morning, standing in the ruins of the homes, in a tight like a in the autumn wind at the age of 74, ZhangWanGen and at the age of 69, his wife XuGenDi already is tears.

The old man son ZhangZhiPing told reporters, two people in zhenjiang dagang district YaoQiao town ZhuangJi village 12 of the procession three bungalow and two other wing, founded in 1987, the area has nearly 140 square meters. In July, because mother a heart attack, and have high blood pressure, the need for frequent dispensing and check, who lives far away from the hospital's hometown very inconvenience when, parents are temporarily moved to zhenjiang daughter place to live. ZhangWanGen recalled, is probably in the ching Ming festival this year, before the group a with his family saw a face, to discuss the issues, he says he can't do, waiting for the Lord two sons back to say again. Since then, the party shall never came up, the two sides also have not signed any agreement to tear open change compensation.

But let the old man consternation things but on September 16,, at 7 appeared that night, he suddenly receive their hometown xu near relatives a phone call: "your house is broken light!" The old man a listen to frighten sweat all came out, hurriedly call to tell son. 17, the early in the morning to their hometown, but driving home already ruins......

ZhangZhiPing said, he was in a nearby bug, right now a in another homes on the shape of the migrant workers to come up to him, the man said the company could be open wrong. ZhangZhiPing alarm call 110. As police investigation takes time, ZhangZhiPing told reporters, in just had to and idea, he made contact YaoQiao charge of the demolition LuXing vice mayor, vice mayor told him, lula government not clear who pulled down the house of his house, and indicates that the government is no responsibility.

Yesterday, the reporter made contact vice mayor Lou, he said ZhangWanGen house must be to dismantle room, they also company and unaware of the house is broken, and because any agreement will not sign, ZhangWanGen house can't open. Vice mayor stressed in the phone's ZhangWanGen house be taken "irrelevant to the government," but he acknowledged the "open room company is government tender come over". Police station responsible told reporters that they already filed an investigation. The police also begin to touch down, but specific situation room company would be further investigation.
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